This one’s for all the writers out there. You know that event that comes around every November that gets a writer on...

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This one’s for all the writers out there. You know that event that comes around every November that gets a writer on...
Just a quick product announcement tonight. I make it no secret that sales of my books are generally low to...
If you’ve explored this site beyond the front page, or whichever book link you’ve clicked on via Google, you may have...
November is coming tomorrow, and anyone who knows November who also knows writing knows that November is known as...
As I prepare to take down the construction page this week, I want to make a quick announcement to early visitors that...
I’ve been teasing it on my newsletter throughout the year and rarely mentioned it here on my site, but today is the...
This one’s for all the writers out there. You know that event that comes around every November that gets a writer on...
Just a quick product announcement tonight. I make it no secret that sales of my books are generally low to...
If you’ve explored this site beyond the front page, or whichever book link you’ve clicked on via Google, you may have...
November is coming tomorrow, and anyone who knows November who also knows writing knows that November is known as...
As I prepare to take down the construction page this week, I want to make a quick announcement to early visitors that...