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People celebrating Christmas at an office party (backdrop for

By Jeremy Bursey

Jeremy Bursey writes short stories, essays, poems, novels, and screenplays. He appreciates feedback for anything he offers to the public. He also takes too many pictures of cats and the ocean.

December 11, 2021

The McCray Parables Update: The Fountain of Truth

If you’ve explored this site beyond the front page, or whichever book link you’ve clicked on via Google, you may have discovered a section called “The Book Triage and Update Center” under the “Book Status” selection. This section is where I take older books and update them with new ideas and presentations.

One such book, a collection of Christmas fables called The Fountain of Truth, is getting a new series integration called The McCray Parables this year, and I wanted to let you know that it’s almost ready for reading. Most of the first draft rewrite is finished, and pretty much all of my ideas for the story are recorded. So, all I really have left to do is to assemble the pieces together and make sure it all coalesces into a seamless unit, thematically and narratively.

I also have to write the marketing copy still, but I did design a new cover this weekend, so that’s good. I’m showing off the before and after as a testament to its upgraded status. Be sure to let me know what you think.

Side by side comparison of

Side by side comparison of “The Fountain of Truth” original and The McCray Parables update

So, what is this new series? The McCray Parables is the continuing holiday adventures of Douglas McCray and his use of fables to justify his sketchy decisions and tireless adherence to his life of no accountability. In each case, his plans backfire, and the fables he thinks he’s using to justify his poor actions end up teaching him how to become a better human being. I introduced the character in the follow-up to The Fountain of Truth, called Snow in Miami, but because I wanted continuity among books, I decided I’d retroactively make The Fountain of Truth Douglas McCray’s first appearance. So we’ll meet him for the first time here.

You can read more about it on its public roadmap, which I’ve also updated. And if you want more news on other projects, I’d suggest checking out each of their respective roadmaps. There’s also an option to subscribe if you like email. These emails will be sent either under my own name or my publishing brand name.

Note to My Newsletter Subscribers: Roadmap emails are separate from my newsletter emails and require a separate subscription if you want email updates. Alternatively, you can just visit the roadmap and see the updates by clicking on the blue widget. If you get too much mail already, then this is the better option.

I expect to release the update soon, but I don’t yet have a date planned. With Christmas just two weeks away, it’s unlikely I’ll be running promotions into the release date. So, the best way to find out when it’s released is to subscribe to my newsletter (if you haven’t already).

Hope you’ll check it out when it’s ready.

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