My Books
Main Page
The central hub for all books by Jeremy Bursey.
Welcome to the most important page on this site. You didn’t come here by accident. You came here because you need a laugh. Or a thrill. Or something to eat up your time while you wait for your name to be called.
You’ve come to my book page. The center spine of this entire works.
Let’s see what joys, thrills, and eats of times you can find to your liking while you’re here.
Mystery & Thriller
Looking for a book to keep you in suspense? Maybe raise your blood pressure a little—hopefully because you’re excited, not annoyed? Or maybe you want to unlock a mystery or solve a puzzle? Then this section is a great place to start.
Or maybe you want something lighthearted and inspiring, or just a story about growing up. If you like the feels, and if you like the laughs, then maybe give this section a try.
Other Genres
Then again, we can’t forget that other genres and literary types exist, and you may just want something that sits outside the norm. If you’re in the mood to discover something unique, or at least uncommon, then this might be your brand.
Short Reads
Is it possible that a novel or novella is too long for your needs right now? Then maybe you’d like to check out a short story or novelette (of less than 30,000 words). Shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours to read these stories.
Free Reads
Oh, but let’s not forget the sampler platter. Maybe you want to get a feel for my style and voice. Or maybe you’re not ready to commit to the few dollars it takes to acquire my longer works. Not a problem. I have just the thing for you: a no-commitment, read-for-free section where you can check out select stories (mostly short) in their entirety without paying a dime (unless you want to leave a tip). These stories will always be free on this site, as long as you don’t mind reading them here.
Also, if you’d rather see what’s coming soon, what’s getting an update, or what I’ve moved to the archives (meaning I no longer promote it), or if you just want to see what’s hot this month (a.k.a. the book getting the most sales) and what I’d like to become hot, you can check out these sections by clicking on the related button below. Alternatively, you could just check out the complete list of titles that are available now.
Note: Every book featured in these sections has its own product page where you can fully explore its content and genre information, synopsis, keywords, publication information, revision history, chapter samples, and links to the stores that carry them. Eligible shops are accessed through a Universal Book Link, which redirects you to your preferred shop’s regional equivalent. Also note that dedicated button links to Amazon may contain affiliate codes that will help me earn a commission on anything else you might buy from Amazon that day. Learn more about Amazon’s Associates Program for information on how this works.
Some books may appear on more than one list. For example, Gutter Child is at its heart a coming-of-age novella with comedic elements (hence its appearance on the Coming-of-Age list), but it also contains a central mystery that drives its plot (hence its appearance on the Mysteries & Thrillers list). Please be sure to read the full description of a book and sample at least the first chapter before you buy it to make sure it’s actually what you want.
Please also note that if you read any of my books, I’d greatly appreciate a review. Reviews are vital to an author’s ability to develop a career, and without them, he sinks. And if the author sinks, then he has to go back to waiting tables for ten hours a day, and if you know anything about waiting tables ten hours a day, then you’ll know that the last thing anyone wants to do when he or she gets home is to spend another couple of hours writing a book. Have I done it? Sure. Is that book out yet? No. When did I work on it? 2005. If you want to read that book someday (a comedic Miami-based thriller), then the best way to hasten its arrival is to help me build a sustainable writing career, and the best way to do that is to leave a review for the ones you’ve already read, and maybe spread the word about the great book you read that happens to have my name on it.
Thanks for giving these a try!
Katniss waiting on a table (2019 photo, treated).