Don’t live in the dark. Enlighten me with your words of wisdom, encouragement, or thanks.
Or just ask a question.
Thanks for contacting me! I will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Please note that my response time will depend on how much email I have to sort through and how complex of an answer you’ll need from me.
Also note that I am not taking solicitations for paid products or services at this time, and I will not respond to messages that are trying to sell me something I neither need nor want.
If you have any other questions, comments, or requests, please use the form below to let me know. If you wish to remain anonymous, just write “It’s a Secret” as your name.
Thank you.
The Contact Form of Truth and Opinion
Special Notes:
If you are a book reviewer and would like a gift copy of my e-books to review on your blog, please head your subject with “requesting ebook for review,” then let me know in the body of the message which book(s) you want, and provide a link to your blog. I’ll be happy to provide you a review copy for that title (to be redeemed at StoryOrigin). Please note that I cannot provide paperback ARCs at this time.
Requesting a review copy does not obligate you to post a review if you decide not to write one. I appreciate your interest in reading my stuff regardless.
If you wish to follow me around on my various social media platforms and bookseller sites, here is the current list where I can be found.
- Amazon Central Author Page
- Smashwords Author Page
- Books2Read Author Page
- Google Play Books Author Page
- Drinking Café Latte at 1pm (Blog)
- Goodreads
- BookBub
- YouTube
Is there anywhere else you’d like to follow me? Stalker! I mean, let me know!
I’m in the process of redesigning most of my currently published e-books with new covers, interiors, front and back matter, book descriptions, metadata, and necessary adjustments to improve errors or problems that I overlooked during my June 2015 – May 2016 publishing hot streak. If you’ve read any of these books and have suggestions for improvement, now is the best time to speak up. Also note that I am neither rich nor open to solicitors for paid services at this time. I appreciate feedback, but I won’t be paying for it. Just want to get that out of the way. I am likely to credit you in the book’s Acknowledgements section, however (unless you don’t want to be acknowledged for some reason), if the advice is useful. Please be aware that all of my books from 2015 and 2016 will be listed in the Archived Books section, but not all will be updated. Check the status of each book to determine whether I’ll be releasing a new edition in the future.
Finally, if you notice any errors on this site and report them, thank you for letting me know.

Everyone has a goal to accomplish. Just not sure what this guy’s goal is. He doesn’t have a voice. But you do. Speak up.