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Do you enjoy books that challenge your psychology or push your insomnia? Do you want to feel your pulse pounding while trying to solve a mystery? Does your adrenaline spike when the battle of the wits begin? If so, then check out these books to satisfy your appetite.

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The Computer Nerd

a novel


Last year, Anston had his wife committed to the asylum. Last night, she escaped. This turn of events could put a damper on his love life.

Marriage is hard enough for healthy couples, but when you put your spouse in a mental institution and she later escapes, marriage can get a lot tougher. Anston Michaels encounters this snafu when he discovers his relationship with Alice is about to resume—without his permission—and that her plans for their future will straddle the line between making him a better man and destroying them forever.


Gutter Child

a novella


Eat your vegetables. Brush your teeth. Trust your history.

And, remember, don’t ask stupid questions.

At what point does a lie become the truth? When does that truth become a lie? On the day that he moves off to college it seems that Jimmy Grogan’s whole family history becomes a lie. But is that true?

Short Stories


a short story


What tough man would a nip-cat trap if a nip-cat kid-napped man?

Sammy is a sound businessman who believes professionalism makes the world a happier place. But when his investment firm partners with a famous theme park built on loose values and questionable ethics, as well as a tie to his tragic past, Sammy becomes locked in psychological battle with the park’s mascot, Nippy the Cat, and risks losing his strict sense of professionalism, and his mind, in the process.

Didn’t see what you want? Then check out one of my other categories, or return to the My Books Main Page for additional story options.

Sniffy ready to go outside (classic 2004 photo, treated).