Book Media Gallery
Books are art, but so are their promotional materials. Welcome to the gallery.
Want to see how crappy some of my books’ earliest covers looked? What about those cheesy book trailers that try to convince you to buy? How about book ad images that may or may not be genre appropriate?
This page features all the media I’ve created over the years to get readers’ attention or interest in my books, and the evolution each book has taken to go from ignorable to pretty cool. This includes each cover I either used or intended to use, for better or for worse, videos I may have released for a more emotional impact (we call them “book trailers”), or even sound bites that add more personality to the content.
If it’s media and book-relevant, then it’ll be here.
Note: Books are listed in release order. You can scroll through the library to find what you’re looking for, but if you’re having trouble, you can target a book specifically by pressing the “Book Media Gallery” button on its respective product page and it’ll zoom you right there.
Image Media Gallery
This section shows off this book’s image gallery, including past and present book covers, promotional art, and any other graphic related to marketing or fanfare.

Book Media Gallery showcasing the visually stunning Book Art by Jeremy Bursey in Shell Out.

Book Media Gallery featuring the artistic creations of Jeremy Bursey.

“Shell Out,” a short story by Jeremy Bursey explores the comedic intersection of youth and financial responsibility in a world that respects neither.
Image Media Gallery
This section shows off this book’s image gallery, including past and present book covers, promotional art, and any other graphic related to marketing or fanfare.

Eleven miles from home is a captivating short story by James Burke available at Book Media Gallery.

Book Media

Eleven miles from home, a captivating book by Jeremy Bursey, explores the intersection of book media and art.

A picture featuring a man and a woman from the Book Media Gallery.

Eleven home miles book art by jeremy bursey in Book Media Gallery.

Eleven miles from me: A book that combines art and media in a unique gallery-style format.

“Eleven Miles from Home” is a captivating dual-narrative by Jeremy Bursey that explores the dying embers of a doomed relationship.
Image Media Gallery
This section shows off this book’s image gallery, including past and present book covers, promotional art, and any other graphic related to marketing or fanfare.
Image Media Gallery
This section shows off this book’s image gallery, including past and present book covers, promotional art, and any other graphic related to marketing or fanfare.

The computer nerd in Book Media Gallery by Jeremy Bursey.

A black screen with a pink heart – Book Media

The computer nerd by Jenny Bursey is a Book Media.

The computer nerd by Jeremy Bursey is a captivating book showcasing unique art in an interactive Book Media Gallery.

An image of a laptop displaying a message in the Book Media Gallery.

The Computer Nerd (Final Paperback Full Cover) rgb

The computer novel featured in the Book Media Gallery.

The computer nerd scandal in Book Media Gallery by Jeremy Bursey.

“The Computer Nerd” by Jeremy Bursey, a captivating domestic thriller in e-book form.
Video Media Gallery
This section shows off this book’s related video content, including book trailers, interviews, and YouTube reviews.
Image Media Gallery
This section shows off this book’s image gallery, including past and present book covers, promotional art, and any other graphic related to marketing or fanfare.
Image Media Gallery
This section shows off this book’s image gallery, including past and present book covers, promotional art, and any other graphic related to marketing or fanfare.

Waterfall function and the narrow bridge explored through book art by jeremy barnes.

Book Media Gallery showcasing the artistic masterpiece “Waterfall Junction” and its narrow bridge by Jeremy Burney.

Waterfall junction and the narrow bridge in a Book Media Gallery curated by Jeremy Bursty.

Waterfall junction and the narrow bridge by jennifer bursey in Book Media Gallery.

A man in armor standing in front of a waterfall featured in a Book Media Gallery.

The narrow bridge at Book Media Gallery.

“Waterfall Junction and the Narrow Bridge” by Jeremy Bursey, book cover art.
Lake Worth Beach (March 2019, Treated).