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For Original Games Ranked 8–5





Release Type:

Original Release

Fuzzy Description:

Last year, six OHR villains were in charge of the 2012 Terrible Games Contest. This is the result of what happened.

Average Score:

Total Voters:

Highest Rating:


Lowest Rating:




Polar Bear

-Even though it had RPG moments, the cut scene-heavy gameplay in NO MORE VILLAINS left players polarized in the votes.



Beautiful Question Mark

-Essentially a combination of “Polar Bear” and “Prettiest Turkey,” no one really knew how to read this game as a Heart of the OHR contestant. It had RPG moments, but it was also primarily an OHR movie.



Polygraph Vote

-The first string of voters voted fairly consistently, but then the numbers went wild and jumped from 1 to 8 in a flash. (It was also a brutally honest vote.)



Prettiest Turkey

-The game is revered for looking great and sounding awesome, but it’s also the only one in the entire contest to score below 3 with any voter, and it did so twice (scores of 2 and 1 respectively).



Hand in the Cookie Jar

-Although NO MORE VILLAINS was submitted for the Heart of the OHR contest, it was actually designed to complete the Terrible Games Contest and feels very much at home with that contest.



Polar Bear

-Even though it had RPG moments, the cut scene-heavy gameplay in NO MORE VILLAINS left players polarized in the votes.



Polygraph Vote

-The first string of voters voted fairly consistently, but then the numbers went wild and jumped from 1 to 8 in a flash. (It was also a brutally honest vote.)



Prettiest Turkey

-The game is revered for looking great and sounding awesome, but it’s also the only one in the entire contest to score below 3 with any voter, and it did so twice (scores of 2 and 1 respectively).



Beautiful Question Mark

-Essentially a combination of “Polar Bear” and “Prettiest Turkey,” no one really knew how to read this game as a Heart of the OHR contestant. It had RPG moments, but it was also primarily an OHR movie.



Hand in the Cookie Jar

-Although NO MORE VILLAINS was submitted for the Heart of the OHR contest, it was actually designed to complete the Terrible Games Contest and feels very much at home with that contest.


Audience Consensus:

Does a nice job concluding the 2012 Terrible Games Contest, but does it really belong to the Heart of the OHR? Most of the game spends time developing the characters’ stories, but hardly any time implementing those elements that make it an RPG.





Release Type:

Original Release

Fuzzy Description:

Escape your prison, make some new friends, and ride a boat to the most visually stunning town on the OHR.

Fight a billion cloned battles along the way.

Average Score:

Total Voters:

Highest Rating:


Lowest Rating:




Walkabout Master

Legacy uses custom-made large walkabout graphics for its walking characters. Because the OHR doesn’t allow for any size above 20×20 without scripting, using large walkabouts in an OHR game is a notable achievement.



Expectation Shocker

Legacy had so much hype going in, and had so much confirmed beauty and intriguing gameplay mechanics that most players were expecting something groundbreaking. What they got was underwhelming.



Most Boring Battler

-Despite its fancy graphics and intelligent conversation system, Legacy takes a dive in the battling department. Slow and uninspiring.



Legacy of Viridia

Legacy and 2010’s Viridia: Chapter 2 have a lot in common. Both were terrifying in their hype. Both had walkabouts that exceeded the professional bar. Both had elevated expectations from players. Both were heavier on battles than on gameplay. Both fell quite short of expectations and ended up being quite exhaustive to play. Both placed 7th with an average score of 5 and change. Both have authors who have learned from the criticism and have already begun to improve their masterpieces.


Audience Consensus:

Visually stunning and staggering in its details, it still falls short of perfection. Battles are repetitive and cumbersome. Dialogue trees maybe a little too detailed and unwieldy? Bugs plague the game, especially in regard to moving heroes around. Party members spend more time in walls than on the ground. For all the detail that went into the game, there is still surprisingly little to do to advance the story or to interact with the environment. Yet, the epic scope of the game gives it much potential for the future.


Kinvesard: Epilogue of the Princess



Release Type:

Original Release

Fuzzy Description:

Select your party of misfits and find your way out of that puzzle-filled dungeon, doing your best not to die.

Hang out with mythical creatures if you make it to the other side.

Average Score:

Total Voters:

Highest Rating:


Lowest Rating:




Most Abrupt Ending

Kinvesard hooks the player with beautiful graphics and enjoyable game design while telling an interesting story, but then it just stops without any warning or satisfaction.



Bit Champer

-The abrupt ending to Kinvesard left many players feeling cheated, but the excellent gameplay getting them there had left them champing at the bit for more.



Working 9 to 5

-The voter range for Kinvesard reached as high as 9 but fell as low as 5.



Number Pad

-The first three votes and the last three votes for Kinvesard all share the same number, padding the middle scores between them and setting the average.



Best Dungeon Nominee: Castle

Kinvesard’s castle is another notable map design in this year’s Heart of the OHR contest.



Most Abrupt Ending

Kinvesard hooks the player with beautiful graphics and enjoyable game design while telling an interesting story, but then it just stops without any warning or satisfaction.



Working 9 to 5

-The voter range for Kinvesard reached as high as 9 but fell as low as 5.



Number Pad

-The first three votes and the last three votes for Kinvesard all share the same number, padding the middle scores between them and setting the average.



Bit Champer

-The abrupt ending to Kinvesard left many players feeling cheated, but the excellent gameplay getting them there had left them champing at the bit for more.



Best Dungeon Nominee: Castle

Kinvesard’s castle is another notable map design in this year’s Heart of the OHR contest.


Audience Consensus:

Well designed and a lot of fun for what it is, but it’s ultimately too short. Party construction a nice feature, and the statues provide a helpful boost at the beginning. Is there a way to open that locked door to the right of the dungeon?


Super Penguin Chef



Release Type:

Original Release

Fuzzy Description:

To make their adoptive father (Super Walrus Man) proud, a penguin and his three eclectic brothers travel around the land’s dungeons to scour ingredients and learn new recipes for their restaurant in order to pay off their gambling-addicted father’s debts.

Average Score:

Total Voters:

Highest Rating:


Lowest Rating:




Guilty Pleasure

-Playing Super Penguin Chef shouldn’t have the level of satisfaction that it does. It has a ridiculous story and unimpressive graphics, but that’s perfectly fine!




-Double-meaning: Super Penguin Chef is a game about making money and paying back a debt, but it is also a game that received a voting range of 9 to 5, matching those of banker hours. Triple-meaning if you consider the fact that the game doesn’t recognize weekends.



Best Use of Food

-RPGs sometimes use food as a healing item. Super Penguin Chef uses food as a plot point.



Ugly Chick

-It’s a cliché to say, “Looks aren’t everything,” but it’s one Super Penguin Chef is lucky to have on its side.


Audience Consensus:

Whimsical design masks what’s ultimately a depressing tale, and keeps the game lighthearted. Dungeons incomplete, but what’s there is a lot of fun to navigate. Collecting items can be a drag when the engine randomly deletes them from inventory. Making recipes are intuitive to those with natural cooking ability, which can be a plus for the foodies. Lots of fun and worth coming back to. Would be even better if it were finished. The relationship between running the restaurant and ending the day should be clearer.