Thank you for your interest in my newsletter. If you’re still scrolling, does that mean you need more information? If so, you can find out more here. Or did you sign up but for some reason aren’t receiving my newsletter? Or did you already sign up and want to sign up again?
If You Want to Sign Up Again:
I don’t think it works that way. One sign-up is all you need to start getting the newsletter. Signing up a second time won’t give you double the content, so once is enough. But I love your ambition! Maybe you can pass on your desire to sign up twice to one of your reader friends and have them sign up instead!
If You’ve Signed Up, But You’re Not Getting Anything from Me:
Of the two choices, I can see this being the bigger problem, so we’ll troubleshoot it this way:
Did you check your spam or promotions folder yet? Newsletters by signups are notorious for detouring into the wrong folders, thanks to providers sharing in the delivery rates of all their subscribers, active and inactive. Check your junk folder for “Jeremy Bursey” and open any message you see with my name on it. If you see me there, then open the message and whitelist my address. Hopefully the next letter will show up where it belongs.
When you signed up, did you follow the guidelines on the “Thank You” page? On that page is one critical step that determines whether you continue to receive the newsletter: Step 4 – Confirmation. In order to receive any message beyond the confirmation email, you must open that first email, and you must click the CONFIRM button. Failure to do either will stall future emails (from this newsletter) from reaching your inbox. Once you confirm, the rest of my newsletter content should start appearing, beginning with the invitation to download my exclusive e-books.
When you signed up, did you remember to check the “I agree to receive this newsletter by email” box? Like the CONFIRM button, this checkbox is a GDPR compliance gate to ensure you actually want this newsletter. If you forgot to check the box, then you’ll need to contact me and let me know that you still want my newsletter. Then I’ll reset your signup process (if I can). Afterward, you should be able to go through the signup process again. Don’t forget to check the box this time!
1. Did you check your spam or promotions folder yet? Newsletters by signups are notorious for detouring into the wrong folders, thanks to providers sharing in the delivery rates of all their subscribers, active and inactive. Check your junk folder for “Jeremy Bursey” and open any message you see with my name on it. If you see me there, then open the message and whitelist my address. Hopefully the next letter will show up where it belongs.
2. When you signed up, did you follow the guidelines on the “Thank You” page? On that page is one critical step that determines whether you continue to receive the newsletter: Step 4 – Confirmation. In order to receive any message beyond the confirmation email, you must open that first email, and you must click the CONFIRM button. Failure to do either will stall future emails (from this newsletter) from reaching your inbox. Once you confirm, the rest of my newsletter content should start appearing, beginning with the invitation to download my exclusive e-books.
3. When you signed up, did you remember to check the “I agree to receive this newsletter by email” box? Like the CONFIRM button, this checkbox is a GDPR compliance gate to ensure you actually want this newsletter. If you forgot to check the box, then you’ll need to contact me and let me know that you still want my newsletter. Then I’ll reset your signup process (if I can). Afterward, you should be able to go through the signup process again. Don’t forget to check the box this time!
Note: I may do the above step only if you fail to also check the CONFIRM button in the confirmation email. Obviously, if you confirm, then maybe you actually do want the newsletter. That said, if you aren’t getting my newsletter, then it’s possible you’re not on the list to receive it. If you signed up but forgot to check the box, you’ll need to contact me if you still want to go on the list.
Has it been a while since you’ve last gotten a newsletter from me? Worried I’ve fallen off the face of the earth? Well, that’s possible, but more likely I may be between letters. After all, I’m not a machine. That said, my goal is one letter a month, plus announcements when special offers and new releases are relevant. But life happens, and this frequency won’t always be guaranteed. For complete information on what to expect from my newsletter, please consult my official About My Newsletter page. Flexibility is key.
Alternatively, have you stopped opening my letters? The way my email provider works, subscribers have to stay active and engaged to continue getting updates. If too much time passes without you opening a message from me, my provider assumes you’re no longer interested and will move you to the “inactive” list. The inactive list doesn’t get sent anything without an override to the system, which I won’t always do. So, the best way to continue receiving updates is to open your messages, even if you don’t actually read them.
4. Has it been a while since you’ve last gotten a newsletter from me? Worried I’ve fallen off the face of the earth? Well, that’s possible, but more likely I may be between letters. After all, I’m not a machine. That said, my goal is one letter a month, plus announcements when special offers and new releases are relevant. But life happens, and this frequency won’t always be guaranteed. For complete information on what to expect from my newsletter, please consult my official About My Newsletter page. Flexibility is key.
5. Alternatively, have you stopped opening my letters? The way my email provider works, subscribers have to stay active and engaged to continue getting updates. If too much time passes without you opening a message from me, my provider assumes you’re no longer interested and will move you to the “inactive” list. The inactive list doesn’t get sent anything without an override to the system, which I won’t always do. So, the best way to continue receiving updates is to open your messages, even if you don’t actually read them.
Let me know if you have any other issues about receiving your newsletter.
Katniss in a box.